My daughter just asked me if I was going crazy, because I said something really stupid. PHHHHFFFFFTTTTTTTT!!!!! I am not going crazy, I may be a little bit stressed right now, or as she just said, you're not crazy, you are just losing your mind. Insanity is inheirited. you get it from YOUR KIDS!!!! They drive you nuts!!!
Actually I am a little concerned because I forget things. like what I was going to say next, people's names, the names of things, etc. I asked my Dr at my last check up if it was something to really worry about, and he said yes, but if you can remember this conversation, then NO!. Wellll PHHHHFFFFFFFTTTTTTT to him too.
I used to have a memory like a steel trap, I never forgot anything, but lately I am. I am trying not to let it consume me, but it does bother me. I do crossword puzzles every day, I can read and remember what I read, I can remember what I just did, but I get bothered that I will forget what I was going to say next. THere is no Dementia in the family other than my 93 yr old Aunt. but she just had old age dementia, not altzheimers. I guess I should not worry about it and get on with life huh?
My SIster in Law came over today and weeded my yard!! she had energy to burn and her yard was done, and her house was clean, and she saw how bad mine was last weekend, so she came over to do it for me.
Bless her!! She got the front beds all cleared of weeds and grass. DOnna mowed the front yard until her back went out again, then we went around back. Sherry pulled weeds, and I hooked up the electric weedwhacker and I would do 10 feet and have to stop and sit down and lwet the back go back into place, Then start all over again. Took me about 2 hours to go around the back fence line, but I did get it done. She was working in the Iris bed, and aroound the roses. I rested and then started up the lawn mower out back. I mowed for a few feet and then rested, and then mowed a few feet more and then rested. We got almost the whole back yard done too, except for the mess behind the deck which we will tackle tomorrow.
so to the ANGELS that are keeping score on blessings given and received....SOME blessings were received and thanked and helped, and some blessings have to be re-directed, but the thought was there, and that should not count against them!! SO do you hear me? DO NOT BLAME ANYONE whose BLESSING, well intended, may happen to get re-directed. Count it as a blessing given and received please. It aint their fault. ;) (you do know who too....) ANd these blessed souls will always remain very close to my heart. Sherry for coming over, and you know why for the other. ;)
After I finish the yard work tomorrow I will take a picture and show you what all we did. I had a BEFORE picture but I cant find it.
This was the first day in a long time that it did not rain, and everyone was out doing yardwork. you could hear weed eaters and lawn mowers and chain saws all over the neighborhood. So obviously my yard was not the only one in dire straights.
MY Brother went over and put Phyllis new toilet in for her. So now she does not have to share the kitty box with Punkin any more. Her toilet was so LOW. She has a mobile, and for some reason the toilet is lower than normal, so finally after 15 years, she bought a tall toilet. (no DAVID!! Not THAT TALL!) Now in our old age, we can easily get off the pot and get on with life. WHEW!! That was worrying me too.
I start AUditions for Blithe Spirit on Monday night. I have to finish blocking the play by next Monday. Mon and Tues are Auditions, Read through will be Wed. and THurs we will take everyone to the annex for costuming, then off the weekend, and start full rehearsals on Monday the 18th. This should be an easy play to do, the set designer did a lovely set, and All I need to do now is find someone to finish building it.

the set
I am heading for bed early tonight , as my back is sooooo sore from all the mowing. I need to get some rest. Hope you all are safe and healthy. And Wanda, TW, Joe, and John, YOU all stay safe and dry!! stay away from DENNIS.