Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tagged again!!!!

I told you not to bring that DAMN WOODPECKER!

1. If you were a celebrity, what kind would it be (movies, tv, literature, crime, etc)?

Probably a Movie Star. I would be one of those classic faces that you always saw but didn’t know. A comedienne.

2. Which other celebrities would you make a concerted effort to try and be around?

Tom Hanks, Katie Couric, Oprah Winfrey, Stephen Speilberg, to name a few of the best ones.

3. Which other celebrities would you avoid like the plague?

Any of the Jacksons, any of the so called really cool and IN celebrities. They are all so not worth the fame and the attention they get.

4. Which celebrities would you date?

SAM ELLIOTT!!! No doubt about it!! I have been in love with him for YEARS!!

5. What would be your "Celebrity Cause"?

The plight of Single Parents. Womens issues, helping single Mothers cope with one paycheck and 3 kids to feed. Getting higher education to women who desire it.

6. Since celebs always get off, what crime(s) would you commit?

I wouldn’t. And I would not hang around with Celebs that did. Wrong is wrong!

7. What would be the name of your tell-all book?

Not sure I would write one.

8. Tag 3 people to do this poll.




9. Link to the post that tagged you:

Purple Moose

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