Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Prairie Moon

Last night after rehearsal, I was driving down Highway 20 heading towards home, when my eye caught the moon. It was HUGE! Big and bright, and almost full. It was 936, so it was not dark yet, to my left the moon was rising over the water, to my Right, the sun was setting over the water. I tried to follow the moon, and get a good picture of it making a path on the water, but I could not find a good spot to pull off and get out. I drove on in to Coupeville, and headed up to the Cemetery, where I knew I would get a good view of the moon, but no water. Just a very big bright moon over the Prairie. The photo has not been enhanced, that was the actual light! Our Prairie has been placed on the National registry so that it will stay a prairie in perpetuity. I would hate to see this full of condos!!

My feeling of Doom left when I saw the magic that the moon brought to the evening. It should be really big tonite!! I will try to get a picture of the moon path on the water, with the town of Coupeville in the background if I can. It is real Magic when that happens.

Night before last, as I came down the street, I saw what looked like a beige cat sitting on the dark street. I slowed down, and as I got closer, I saw it was an OWL just sitting there! It was a barred owl, and I got very close to him, with the car, before He even blinked. I was afraid he was hurt, so I opened the car door to go see, and he lifted his wings and flew shudderingly over to the top of a pick up parked in a driveway. I have to assume that it was a Fledgling, as it was not as aware of it's surroundings as an older owl would be. It was quite a priviledge being able to see this very shy owl up so close.

Yep, our nights are magical here.


barred owl

On My way home tonite, I was looking for the moon, but it has not risen yet. BUT right on the corner just three houses down from where he sat last night, baby owl flew up to the telephone wire. Since it was fairly light out, I rolled down my window and called to him. He was a barred owl so they call a very low "WHO COOKS FOR YOU, WHO COOKS FOR YOU AH!" He responded my siddling down the wire so he could see me better, then I heard a loud HISSY SQUEAK. and then another one flew from the tall Cedar tree to the wire next to him. I called to them both and they both responded. HISSY squeak. So now I know they are fledgelings, and that their nest is somewhere close. I shoulda been born a naturalist.

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