Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Dread and DOOM...

When I was growing up, I lived very close to areas that had been under attack or hit during WWII. I also lived all my life on the COast, so I was fully aware of the threat of attack by "the Russians" or whom ever. We had tuck and cover drills in school where we would drop under our desks, curl up and put our arms over our heads and cover your eyes. We would stay that way until the Teacher or the Bell said All Clear. We had air raid sirens on most corners, and we knew that when they sounded, that we were to find cover and duck. There was one siren for Take Cover, and another for all clear. THe radio stations would have CIvil Defense Drills, and On every block, there was a designated Bomb shelter labeled with the Funky Yellow Triangle circle thingie. We worried about it, but we never lived in fear. We knew that it was a fact of life, and that we needed to be prepared for such an attack.

THen We grew up and the threat of Nuclear War was very real. We knew that if and when it happened that the whole world would be destroyed. We also knew that no country in their right mind would shoot first, as it would be assured nuclear destruction for them too. I worked on bases that were geared to that end. We just lived with it.

When I was a Senior in High School, I read a book called ON THE BEACH, about just such a scenario, and it was awesome. Soon a Movie came out, starring Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire and Anthony Perkins. I just finished watching it for the 2nd time in my life. The first time was at a drive in with friends, and I am sure I never took it as seriously as I should have. Today I watched it, and cried again, for the total destruction that we brought on ourselves. I missed the very beginning, so I don't know who started this war, but it was total annihilation of living beings. No dogs, no birds, no people would be left.

In one scene they showed the view of San Fransisco from the periscope of a submarine, and all of the streets were empty. NO life at all. It was Chilling to watch.

I went in to catch a nap before the Playhouse rehearsal tonite, and could not rest. I have this feeling of impending doom. I am just hoping that it was brought on by watching this movie. Phyllis had this feeling on Friday. I hate it when We get these twinges. I can think of no more horrible way to go than knowing that you are the last vestige of humanity left in the universe, and you are going to die also.

If you ever get a chance to see it, please do. It is Black and White, and not gruesome as our movies are now days, this was done to allow your own imagination to fill in the blanks. It was a very good movie, and well worth the sleepless afternoon I just spent.


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