Friday, April 29, 2005

Who would you like to be?

This is a great little meme that is going round. Cal tagged me on it after she was tagged by Tine.
The Rules

The idea is to pick 5 and complete the sentences, then pass this little meme on to 3 more of your blog pals! But no tag backs!

If I could be a scientist…
If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician…
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an inn-keeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writer…
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be an astronaut…
If I could be a world famous blogger…
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world…
If I could be married to any current famous political figure…

And I was sooooo glad I did not get tagged by tine or Leslie or Wanda or Brenda!!

If I could be a musician….I would play the Piano better than anyone who had ever lived. I can find middle C and that’s about it.

If I could be an astronaut…I would want to be on the first spaceship to land on another planet. Actually I would want to be on one to leave the Galaxy, and discover what is really out there BEYOND. I LOVE space.

If I could be a scientist…I would be a geologist. Study the Earth and how it was formed. Maybe an astro-physicist.

If I could be a writer…I would want to write the best selling novel about Women settling the North American Continent, Exploring new places, and being the first to climb Mt. McKinley.

If I could be a linguist…I would study the different languages and how they change from region to region. From “eh? To ya’ll”

Now I tag Phyllis, Katerina and Kate, but Kate will be late she is away right now.

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