Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Day Off!

YAY!! I had a day off today! I cleaned house! I must have broken the belt on the vaaccum cleaner 3 times! then the hose got clogged, then the bag was full. You would think that some one somewhere would invent a vacuum that could easily be taken apart to get to items like that. Surely I can not be the ONLY person who has odd bits of "stuff" laying on the floor that get sucked into the hose before you can stop it! Legos, Lincoln logs, bone bits left from the dog dish, petrified cat barf that the kitten found hidden under something, Pennies, rocks that come in on Bob's shoe treds. You know normal average everyday stuff. Stuff that gets hung up on the belt and then causes it to stop and burn and stink up the house just as it pops and breaks. Stuff that gets clogged in the hose right where some idiot has designed an L shaped curve that a lincoln log can not get around. I would LOVE Mr. Hoover to allow me to test drive their new models and give it a real work out. If it can pass MY test, It could pass ANYONE's! Aw but why would they listen to me? I just buy one every three years or so.

SIL came over today and mowed my yard for me. BLESS HER HEART!!! She misses her Mom, and she comes over to help me and pretends she is helping her Mom. I dont mind one littlebit!! Sherry was my babysitter when she was 14, and that is where Mike found her. He was stationed in Norfolk, Va. ANd we were stationed in Oceana, Va. so he would come hang out at my house, and then sherry and him started dating when she was 16, and then married when she was 17! A sweet young southern Girl, who married into this noisy disfunctional family. She has learned how to fight back now though, and we really appreciate her. especially when she comes and mows my yard, because she wanted to be in the sun!

Two more rehearsals to go until we have a live audience. Family night, which usually is really funny, and then a dress rehearsal and then we open! Friday night June 8, until June 30!

This is a picture of THE LITTLE RED HEADED GIRL that Charlie Brown has a crush on. She is usually never seen, but Rusty put her in as a woalk on. She is cute.

I wish you all could come see it. It is good.

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