Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Add one more species...

I walked out on the deck yesterday to get some freshair and saw a pair of birds on the sunflower feeder. I stopped and looked at them, and then looked closer, because I could not identify them. I walked right up to them anc could have reached out and touched them and I noticed that their bills were different.

I came in and got out my SIBLEY's Book of Birds, and discovered that they were red crossbills. THey are very shy. THey live around the area, but they are hard to spot, so I feel really fortunate.

I am so tired, I got a good work out at the pool, and then came home and finished the lobby poster for the last show, labeled the light book for this show, and got the Audition posterd for the NEXT show all ready to give to the DIrector. Tomorrow I sit with the light tech and show her how to run the board, and when I know she is all checked out on it then I will be just about done with this show! Most of my job is preparation BEFORE the show, and Publicity just before the show opens. THen the budget, while the show is on, and then I close it with making the Poster for the Lobby.

Auditions for the NEXT show are June 23, 24 I hope we get enough people to audition! This has been a real problem for the past two years. I dont know why, because the word is geting out there, but I guess people just are not interested.

It has gotten really cold again tonight, so I am going to go take a hot shower and wash the junk out of my hair, and turn on the electric blanket and hit the sack!
It is almost in the 30's right now. 42F! go figure!! only 3 more weeks until SUmmer! ya think?

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