It's true! The Bastard saw his shadow! He ran back into his den and that means we will have 6 more weeks of this shit!!! I soooooo want Spring!!! Nice warm, spring! Flowers blooming, bees buzzing, trees budding warm spring!!!!
We had 13" of rain in January alone, and normally Coupeville and Whidbey Island, being in the banana belt of the Pacific Northwest, only has 17" a YEAR!!! Mt. Baker had over 20 FEET of snow in the last three weeks!! Un real!!
We are expecting a very strong low pressure system to come ashore either tonight or tomorrow morning bringing more high winds and rain!! Yesterday there were over 40000 people with no power! and the really strong spring winds have not even hit yet!! Gonna be a fun year, I can just feel it! THe tides are really high right now, and with the low pressure system hitting just as the tides are their highest, the lowlands are getting tidal overflow, and washing away beachfront homes! (AWWWWWW!!!!!)
My yard is so wet it squishes when I walk across it!! I sure hope my septic system doesnt go south! That would suck big time!!
Once this next series of storms goes through then we are predicted to have a whole week of scattered sunshine!!! oh I can't wait!!!
In the mean time....GO HAWKS!!!!!
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