I woke up at least 3 times last night having Power Surges!! Id kick the covers off, then wake up freezing and put them back on, then wake up later sweating again. I did this drill about 3 times, until I realized that it was REALLY cold out side, and all four cats were on MY side of the blanket or on top of me. I evidently turned off their half in my sleep, and cranked mine way up in a chilly moment. They did NOT appreciate that fact. SO they all piled on me, to keep warm, and since I was not comfortable, I cranked their side up and my side down! I also cracked ipen the window and hunkered under the covers with just my nose sticking out. I shone the flash light out the window to see if there was any snow, but there was none. THe owls were taking advantage of the crisp clear night, and hooting back and forth with each other. At one of my conscious moments, they owls were hooting back and forth and then they started their screeching talk. At the same time the COyotes and a dog got in to it and there was yips and barks and howls and hoots and screeching all going on out back. THe cats were growling and Sadie wanted out to take them all on. I just love living in the boonies!
I have a fire built in the wood stove again tonight, and all of the cats and Sadie are lined up in front of it snoring away...oops I lied!! Sadie just moved out on to the bare floor, musta got too warm for her. She'll be back in the middle of the cats before long.
Donna came home today, and we had a nice visit. She polished off the left over birthday cake and almost the rest of the spaghetti. Grabbed her mail, grabbed her new afghan, and headed back home. I get to see her about twice a month. I asked where her husband was, and he had gone to see HIS Mom today. so it must be Mother Sunday! Bill as I have said before is My age, so his Mom is REALLY old.
I am finishing putting together some old Knitted squares, that Mom had made when she was bored. She used old ugly yarn, and each one was a different pattern, and they are all different sizes, but my SIL wanted me to make an afghan out of them so I crocheted a border around each square and then a border of multi-colored yarn around that to hook them all together. It is Butt Ugly, but Sherry wanted it, so I am almost through with that. Then the next project is to try and finish a scrapbook for her, 1 for me and 1 for each of the kids.
I start a new show tomorrow with Auditions for THE CAINE MUTINY COURT MARTIAL. Then all my show projects are done for this year. I have no idea what the schedule will be like for next year. I may not get picked for one, so I may be just kicking back and relaxing some. (ha!)
I can feel the cold coming right through my double paned windows, so you know it is chilly out there again tonight. It is predicted to warm up tomorrow though as the clouds move in. THen the rain will start again.
The birds are starting to come back more and more now. I have red finches, pine siskins, and the red winged blackbirds that have not been around very long. THe Juncos have been around all year, as have the woodpeckers and the chickadees and doves. I have not heard the QUail yet this year. I hope all the coyotes and Owls have not chased them all off.
I will try and get around to everyone's blog before the olympics start tomorrow, I am LOVING the coverage!!! I wait every time for them to come on. Next Winter ones are in Vancouver, BC, and that is right over there, so Maybe I can go see some. That would be so cool!
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