We made it through the storm with no damage to our houses, We are all without power, and I am on battery laptop!! LUV technology!!
THe highest winds were 78 MPH and kept me awake all night. THe cats were nervous, and chitters was jumping from one window to the next. Lint, Loki ans Ethel had a warm spot on the blanket and were not moving. I had power all through the storm, but lost it about 3 hours ago. Got out the Coleman Camp stove and set it up to make coffee this morning. THere are times when the power will stay out for several days especially when the whole area is down. I know Oak Harbor has power, as I called to see if my meeting was still on. YEP! so now I have to see how far up the road I can get before I run into a downed tree. We always get so excited when something like this hapens, especially after having called to make sure everyone is safe. THe only one I could not get ahold of was Tim, but He never calls, so I should not worry. HE is used to living in the woods!! Literally, with no power! I called DOnna, and she growled at me, so she is fine too. No Hello Mom, just a WHAT? grrrr I love mannerly children!!! I will update you more when I get back, gotta run into town and see how the rest fared. THe neighbor just drove in with groceries, so obviously SOMETHING is open.

Phyllis Ann
Phyllis Ann Came into my life Feb 4, 1949. Up until that time I had been a spoiled only child, living with my AUnt and my Mother, and for a very short while, my Father.
Dad was gone overseas a lot, and during this time we lived where Mom was raised. Phyllis was born in San Diego, and when she was 6 weeks old we left for Honolulu, T.H. (Territory of Hawaii) to meet Dad and live with him for a full 5 years!! She became Dad's favorite, as he had never been around a baby before, and I stayed Mom's Little Girl.
We fought like Sisters for most of our lives, and where I was always a lady, or was expected to be anyway, Phyllis was a rebel. ALWAYS. Still is!! She went out of her way to make my life a living Hell. SHe was after all being a little Sister.
It was not until we were grown and married that we became as close as we are right now. Maybe we were too busy trying to live our own lives, but we mixed like oil and water. Now I would not trade her for the world! She is my best friend.
And today she is 57!! So Everybody bee-bop over to her blog and wish her a happy birthday!!!
And don't worry if neither one of us is not around for a few days, we MIGHT be powerless. A HUGE storm is due to hit tonight with winds sustained up to 50-60 MPH and gusts over 80! THey are warning everyone to tie it all down, and prepare to be without power for a few days.
LOLOLOLOL Seattle FINALLY makes it to the Super Bowl, and the Fates are sending a wind storm to cut off our power so no one can see it!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Needless to say generators are flying off the shelves!!
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