Last week I said that I was in a rut...And I am, but I also had a few suggestions on what to write about. Ellen wanted to hear about my recurring dreams and what I thought that meant.
I have several, and as with any dream, you just can not verbalize it to match the movie in your head. It always turns out dis-jointed. But I have one that I have had regularly since childhood. I have not had it in awhile though, because my brain is full of soooo much other "stuff".
In this dream, which takes all night to dream ya know, I am a young girl/woman...Probably an older teenager. I am with a boy/man the same age. We are dressed in old time clothes. Which could be anywhere from 1400 to late 1800's...Hard to tell, as I am wearing a long skirt, and he is wearing buckskins, or something like that.
We are running through the woods, running running running, crashing through the brush that is growing under the tall dark forest. I don't know what kind of trees, but I do not think they are fir trees, or evergreens. We are running out of breath as we had been at this for a long while, and there is a fear associated with the running, as if we are being chased or running FROM something. My heart is beating really fast, and I am scared. I am also very cautious. My companion seems to be either a brother or a friend, not a romantic interest I do not think. He is also full of fear. I can feel it now as I type this, but I never know what I am afraid of.
Suddenly we are seeing the edge of the forest, and we slow down, and then we are on our knees and crawling through the last bit of brush and popping through it on to the top of a knoll. The knoll is not high, but overlooks a big green pasture, with a rugged log fence on the far side. The pasture appears to be really really big, and we are resting on our tummys, and looking over the scene. The pasture had sheep in it. But they are all dead! We are laying there looking at all the dead sheep and we are shocked at the sight.
I do not think they are my sheep, but neither one of us knows why they are dead, or who did it.
I wake up at this point, leaving the dream running through my head for the rest of the day. I have mentioned it to two therapists, and neither could give me any answers. I have even tried to analyze it myself and can come to no conclusions. I do feel that we were either in America, in the colonial days, or in England way back. Maybe both...????
I have mentioned before that I think I have possibly lived a life as a pioneer, but I don't know if this has anything to do with that. It is an upsetting dream, and I wonder about it a lot. Sounds kind of innocuous reading back over it, but when I dream it I am THERE and I am running, and I wake up scared and out of breath, and feeling like there is something wrong.
Ok Ellen... Now interpret it for me. :)
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