I heard branches break and trees fall all night in the woods, but thank GOD the wind blows INTO the trees, so I did not have to worry about them.
Phyllis is still without power, but mine is back on, and has been since 130 this afternoon, although I was gone and did not know that.

after storm
On my way into Oak Harbor, I drove along the beach, and the water was brown out about 200 feet, then it turned the dark blue. That means that the water really was stirred up during the night. THe tide was high just as the winds were receeding, but it still caused flooding over the roads, as you czan tell by the pictures. The yellow line and the white line are the center line of Highway 20 along Keystone Spit!

wet road
Just watched the weather report, and it appears that the Islands got hit the hardest. Whidbey was without power, and some parts will be for several days. I was laying there at 6AM going through the things I had ready, and remembered that I had no ground coffee!! SO I got up ran into the kitchen and ground up some beans so I could make a pot of coffee on my camp stove. WOrked like a charm, as I did not lose power until 1030 this morning. That is usually what happens, the lights will blink but wont go out unless a tree falls across the lines, but when the power company starts putting people back on line, they knock others off. I do not know why Coupeville is without power, I did not see any trees over the lines, must have blown a transformer!
We are due to get about 5 straight days of SUN!!! I am sooo ready!!!
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