Saturday, May 17, 2003

Bob came over today wanting to get the yard roto-tilled. I was planning on digging into the office, but I guess that will wait. I needed to level out the yard where my renters' dogs had dug giant holes. I got the distinct pleasure of raking it all level. My back is compaining loudly about it too. I want him to do along the fence line also, so I can plant along it. I want to get the holly tree, the lilac bush and the hydrangea all planted this year, and I want to replace the camelia bush. We did manage to get the two patches under the old carpet dug up, worked really really well too, all the grass and weeds under it were dead, so all we had was earth and worms. Perfect for gardening. I am going to plant petunias along one side of it, and who knows what else will end up there. I am planning roses, but We'll see. I know THERE WILL BE BULBS COME FALL!

Hector came over and brought me books to choose a deck from. I am going to have a deck this year come Hell or High water. It may not be big, but It will be a deck, or patio. I am looking forward to spending my mornigs in the sun drinking my coffee, and watching the birds. Might even take the laptop out to the deck and write the great american novel. (yeah right!) Say wouldn't it be neat if someone would come out with those really cute little faces like ICQ uses, that you could pop into the story anytime without a lot of putzing? Or little flowers or picture icons...

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