Monday, July 30, 2007

Admiral's Cove Beach Club

I have written about going to the pool every day, and seeing the eagles in the trees overhead. One of my "lurkers" Wrote and asked me to post pictures of the pool. SO here they are.

The beach is right over the wooden fence, and during really high tide and windy weather, driftwood blows into the wall! It gets really windy all the time, as we are right in the middle of Admiralty Inlet, where the Strait of Juan de Fuca turns to head SOuth and become Puget Sound. THe land you see in the distance is the Olympic Penninsula. We get to it by Ferry, which is a mile to the right of the pool.

Yesterday I went down expecting it to be empty as it was cold, wet and windy, but there were three birthday parties going on, and lots of little kids. Happily they all left at 5:00 when Adult Swim started. THere are about 5-8 of us die-hards who come down every day, rain or shine and swim. Actually to say SWIM is a mis-leading term. I Do my aquarobics up against the edge so I dont take up a lane for those that do laps, and then there is Sil, the Taiwanese lady who comes down and just hangs out in the deep end and talks to me. Leslie is another one who comes down everyday and treads water. So we all do our own thing, and talk. Leslie was raised here in Coupeville, and so was my family, so we know a lot of the same people, and of course we do a little gossiping. Sil laughed and said she never thought that coming to the pool would she find out what all was going on in Coupeville.

Hey what can I say, I do my workouts for an hour, and then tread water until I quit.

In the tree tops there is a tree that has three tops to it, and that is where the Eagles are nesting. to the right of it is a snag where they perch. some times on a really quiet day you can even hear the Orcas breathing. THere just isn't another place like it. I feel so blessed to live here.

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