Friday, February 28, 2003

Day 1:

It is OFFICIALLY the first day of the rest of my life, LIFE AFTER NEXCOM! I purposefully turned off the radio alarm. (ok Donna, you can come back home now) I purposefully did NOT set the back up wind up old BIG BEN alarm. I wanted to sleep until I woke up. I FORGOT TO CANCEL MY WAKE UP CALL! so at 6:15 on my first day of not working, I woke up at 6:15! Now that is not to say that I actually GOT up, I dozed listening to Katie, Matt, Al and Ann. (only today there was no Matt only MSNBC) I listened to the birds, and when I heard Lola whistle, I got up. For those that MAY be reading this, As if anybody is, Lola is a Douglas Squirrell that comes to my feeder.

I watched Lola for awhile at the squirrell feeder. She (he?) was sitting there nibbling away at the pressed corn log. then I noticed another Lola sitting on the bird feeder eating sunflower seeds. Now I KNOW I have 2 Lola's. I had suspected such, as one is smaller, and not as brightly colored. It is hard to judge when you only see them apart. Kinda like trying to tell identical twins apart, when they aren"t together. Lola snuck up on Lola2, she/he had her back turned. Usually she screams bloody murder when Lola tries to come into the yard. They are very territorial.

2 cups of coffee later, I got dressed, took my meds, gave my shot, ordered my refills, then called my sister at work and nana nanana'd at her because she had to work and I didn't. She laughed.

The dog is out, the cats are fed, I am dressed, feeling fairly good, so here I sit cronicling (sp) the rest of my life. Feeling a bit silly, I decided to wear my gold glittered deelie-bobbers with two stars. Loki is looking at me as if I am some really weird thing. I told him to go catch the balloon.

Donna is still red, so I assume she is still in bed.. WAKE UP DONNA>>>turn blue and talk to your mommie!!! (ICQ) :-)

Well lookie there, I think I figured out how to link...we'll see if it works. Gotta go...Martha is on. catcha later..

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