I could tell the minute it started raining. The BOYS had been sleeping in the snoopy doghouse all day, just laying around being puppies, suddenly, they stood up, looked at the dirt pile and ran full bore toward it. Before I could stop them, they had their muzzles and their elbows in the mud and were having a ball. I just shook my head and grabbed the camera.
I have a better picture, but it is not downloaded yet. I will get to that tomorrow. Right now I have them locked in the utility room with a big blanket on the floor, so maybe they will dry off and shake the mud off. GOD!!!!
They are just adorable! But MAN can they eat! I put them to bed with a big pigs ear apiece, thinking it would last a few nights! WRONG!!! after about 20 minutes all traces of the pig were GONE!! Not even a smear on the floor was left! Each of them gets 4 cups of puppy chow twice a day, and all the water they can suck up! Sadie is in AWE! Loki tolerates them, and Schroeder has not been seen!
Tim and Misty were in Talladega during all of the tornadoes, and now are in Columbus, GA. Having fun and enjoying family. The boys and I are having fun too, before the rain started, we all were laying on the couch watching TV, and relaxing. MY LORD they are heavy!
That pile of dirt was put there just for them to have something to do on a rainy day. They are adorable but I wouldn't like to have to look after them.
Glad to read you are having such fun!!
Oh MAN they are a hand full too!
Stories and photos like these bring a big smile on my face. :O)
What happened to my first comment?...
Stories and photos like these bring a big smile on my face :0)
They are adorable. I love St. Bernards, we had them when I was a kid.
They are soooooo cute but they will be sooooooo big. Look at those paws!
Am I correct that their names are Trouble and Trouble?
You are quite the doggy sitter. They are sweet looking dogs.
LOLOL The one with the biggest head is Bubba and the other one is Napolean. But Trouble and trouble2 would have worked!
Joe, You need to get another one! :)
Blogeois said...
Wow, what a handful they look to be. But cute as a big bug's ear!
I'm think'n great Christmas card material. What cuties! :o)
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