Saturday, July 10, 2004

And another one bites the dust!!!

I got the office all finished, the ceiling is done too, and the furniture is all moved back in. The carpet however is a disaster!!! My renters ruined it when I was in Nevada for 3 years, and it will never come clean. I am gonna try to shampoo it really good,and if it doesn't come clean, it is getting ripped out too, and I will just paint the sub floor. The damn builders now days don't use quality plywood, they use OSB or particle board, and it swells up when it gets wet. If it is good wood under the carpet, I will seal it and paint it or varnish it, until I win the lottery and can afford to finish laying down laminate flooring. I did that in the Big part of the house and it is fantastic. Shows all the dust though, but ten minutes with endust and a dustmop and it is clean again.

I just finished painting the master bathroom, and the ceiling has the final coat on it. As soon as it is thoroughly dry I will put the crown border around it (covers up the paint dribbles) and I will be done with that room.

Tomorrow, I plan on starting on my bedroom, and painting it the same as the bathroom. A dusty Lavender with a white trim and ceiling and a flower border around the top.

I have kept my bedroom un-feminine for 38 years, hoping I could entice a MAN to live in it with me, but since it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon, Feminine it is going to be!!! Lace curtains, Lavender walls, may even paint the furniture white. !!

By next Thursday I should be done with that room, and Bob and I will go to Lowes and get some baseboards and transition strips for the Living/Dining room. Then paint those rooms. A pale Lemon Yellow I think, with a white trim.

I am looking for the perfect chair. I need a good comfy easy chair big enough to curl up in, and still have room for Sadie. I do not care if it reclines or rocks, I just need one that will not eat me. My Sofa right now does. I hate it! I am thinking a nice leather chair and a half with a full size ottoman. A nice comfy afghan thrown over the back. And a really good light to read by.

I'm off to the tub and bed right now...See ya

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