Friday, April 11, 2003

Once again I can't sleep. I am wide awake, and it was only 330 AM! Turned on CNN to see thousands of Iraqi men walking home, down a long lonely road. Said that their leaders took their weapons and their ID cards and told them to go home. It was a sight to see. I can not imagine our Military leaders doing something like that. I cant imagine our military personnel DOING something like that. When a people are repressed, and forced to serve or die, their loyalty isn't there. They will do anything to save their families. I am not naive enough to believe all that I see on TV about this war. I know that the dancing in the streets of Baghdad was probably only in that one little square, and looked like the entire country. But I also know that people are starting to realize that they are out from under the terror that Saddam's regime held over them. Now they are going to start asking What now? The theives in the streets that are doing all the looting need to be controlled, and fast, or another THUG will eventually rise up and take control, and the terror will start all over again. Same song, different face. Let's hope that the people that are put in charge of forming an INTERIM government, are able to see the whole picture, and fix the problems. THen let them elect a popular candidate, and run their own country. There is so much being said right now about our interests over there, and who will get whaich slice of the pie. We should not have a dog in that fight!! We should HELP them (Iraqis) and get out of Dodge! Leave the reconstruction to others. Leave the running of the oil fields to the Iraqis. They did it before, let them them do it again. Leave the running of the businesses to the Iraquis. Please let us show them that we do not want to build an empire. Put their country back on it's feet, teach it how to walk, then run, and then Let us leave it to the Iraqis.

Wish I could sleep without dreaming about work. I keep feeling that I am forgetting to do something very important, and I know I haven't. I don't have deadlines to remember any more, I don't have places to be anymore, The Play opens tomorrow night, and my part is over with. I DO have a jungle called a yard to harvest. Maybe that is what is keeping me guessing. Another undone project. Phfftt you oughta see the floors....

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