Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Got the holes all plugged up today. Cut 40 pieces of 12" X 3" hardware cloth and stapled them over the top of the vent holes in the eaves. Well...actually I cheated. I called Bob and he stapled them, took him about an hour. my hands are all cut up, that stuff is very rough. Tomorrow I think I am going to drive in to Mt Vernon and look at the daffodils in the fields. See if there are any cut ones for sale and buy a whole big arm full of them. Next month the tulips will be out in force, and the valley will be a patchwork of color.

I am going to get an estimate on having a 20X30' slab of concrete poured in the back yard. If I cant get my deck built, maybe a slab will work. Less grass to mow that way. I can always put pots around for plants. That will be easy to clean too, bleach and a hose!! Maybe I can get him to build the deck out front. All across the front of the house, about 8' out. That would work! Easier to wash the windows, and put up the Christmas lights too. Either way, I have to get the yard fixed so that I can take care of it with little effort.

My Violets have spread out about 2 feet now, and are very hardy looking. I was afraid they had died in the freeze, but nope!! And in amongst all of the weeds are tons of yellow tulips. Buds, still but they're there.

The Alder trees are in full Pollen, and Man I can feel it in my eyes and my lungs. Real soon now it will be the fir trees, then the scotch broom. COUGH< COUGH

The war is in full boom, and I am afraid that it is going to get to be a really bloody mess before it is all over. I get the feeling that a lot of people thought this was going to be an easy victory, I never thought that, I didn't want it,but now that we are in it, I don't want us to get our butts beat either. Kick Ass and come home. I have a feeling that the wimps in France, Germany and Russia were sitting back to see if Iraq really DID have those weapons before they moved. If they do, I think they will use them when we get close to Baghdad, then thousands of people will die, and THAT is when the rest of the world will jump in and help. I think we should pull our borders shut, stop immigration, patrol our coastlines, and become isolationist until we get well again. I know, I know, that will Kill our economy and hurt the rest of the world also, but we need to do something to get our homeland safe again. If we ever can. I am not astute enough to know the right answer, I am not a politician, just a salesclerk, now retired!

Say Donna, If you read this, Did you get the job at the UW? Please say yes! (I wouldn't put it past her to pop in here every once in awhile and contribute her two cents. She set this blog up for me, so she knows the passwords. Scary Huh?) She and I disagree about politics, but that is life!!

Gonna go get my shower, wash my hair, and get my tush to bed, I need sleep....too much TV today.

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