Sunday, December 16, 2007

BAD Week!

I am sorry for not updating, but things have been pretty grim around here.

We are in the grips of the nasty weather that Washington is known for...gray, cold, drippy, (not rainy,just drippy) dark and depressing. So when you are prone to depression any way, You just want to hibernate, snuggle under the covers, turn the blanket on high, grab the remote or a good book, and let all the animals jump in bed with you, and just HIDE!

I still have my house to clean before Christmas, and I just dont feel like it! I feel fine, but I am COLD! I am just shivering. I went swimming on Monday and the pool was even cold because the heater was out, and they had just gotten it fixed. It is hard to get motivated when you are chilled to the bone. Wednesday I did not go, as I did not want to go from cold house to cold pool! (BRRRRR)

Friday my Brother Mike got sick and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital and he was admitted. He could not keep anything on his tummy. He goes in for his third Chemo treatment this next week, and I am so worried that he wont be able to tolerate it and they will have to stop.

I am not taking this well at all. I raised him, until he was thirteen, when I left home to start my life with Jim, and I was clear across the country. I had wanted a baby brother for years, and when I was 10 I got one. I have loved him since the day he was born. ANd yesterday I lost it. I just had to close myself in and just mourn.
I know things will get worse, and I worry so much about him and Sherry. Phyllis is keeping track of his progress on a site she created for him on
(I would link you here, but the link logo is gone from my posting page for some reason. No pictures either. If you go to Phyllis' site she has all the links there. You need to sign in and register, and I have not been able to access it, so it may need some tweeking, or it may be my dying computer!


I appreciate all of you that are continuing to stop by and check on me.

oh GADS! I am watching EXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITION, and they are in Seattle dealing with the rain! Yes folks it really does rain that much down there. On to another week. Be safe!!

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