Saturday, June 03, 2006

Busy day...

Yesterday was my date night. I have been wanting to go see DaVinci Code for weeks now, but Bob has had other ideas. Yesterday we went to the afternoon matinee, which was a lot cheaper, and then out to dinner.

We got into the theater and there was no one else in the place but us, until just as the movie started. Then there were quite a few. Bob started getting a pain in his stomach, and thought he was having gas pains. He is not one to worry about where he farts, he just does it. Burps the same way. Nice guy.

Anyway the movie had started, and we were at the spot where the monk was stripping and flagellating himself, when Bob lets out a groan. I thought he was groaning at the movie, but he slid down in his seat and started making sounds like he was in dire pain.

We left. I drove him towards the hospital, but he started feeling better, so I headed back to my house. Figured that way if he went down, I could call 911, and they would be right there, they are only 1/2 mile away and they all know me and Bob very well.

Got him in the house, and he wanted to walk, so he marched up and down the street, from my house to the cul de sac, which is two houses up. And back and forth he marched. Yep. Marched!Arms swinging, and legs thrown out in front. Then I look out the window and he is right in the middle of the street doing his tai chi. Now I live In a normal middle class neighborhood, and if people do tai chi, (which I doubt) they do it in the privacy of their homes. Not Bob. Gotta get that colon stretched out any where he can, and fart so the pain is better. Right in the middle of the street, in front of the yellow house with the lady who covers her children's ears when I cuss at Sadie. I KNOW that woman must tell her kids to stay away from the people in the grey house. I KNOW she does.

Any way, he is doing his thing, and looking pretty weird while doing it, but he has color back in his face. I ask how he is feeling, and he farts, and says much better.
When he comes back into the house, I make him drink several glasses of water, and chew some gas X pills. He felt a lot better, and when I queried him about his eating that day, he mentioned that he was over at Ron's house and had 2 fried clams for breakfast. (and then proceeds to tell me that he has the rest of them in fresh water at home. They had been in water for three days.) DUH!! A good dump later, he felt really good, so I fixed him some mild spaghetti, and sent him home around 8:00.

Still have not seen the DaVinci Code.

I went to bed early, and took some Tylenol PM and slept like a baby all night! I woke up at 900 when the neighbors started weedeating their fence line, right under my window. I dozed in the sun and fresh air until about 1100, lazy ass that I am, on my back, and I realized that I DID NOT HURT ANYWHERE... so I rolled out of bed, made a pot of coffee, and got dressed. I blogwalked a little bit, but thought I needed to do something useful, while I felt good, so I finished painting the living room wall by the fireplace. Now this does not sound like a lot, but it is the wall with the alcove, and the bookshelves, and it has been 1/2 way painted for over a year, waiting to be finished. I changed the color, repainted the the whole wall, and felt like I had really accomplished something. So now with the exception of the ceilings, the kitchen, the living room, the hall, and the dining room all have fresh paint on them. I am hoping that tomorrow I will feel like painting the utility room and possibly the bathroom. Both are very small rooms, 5 X 10 each. So I should be able to do that. It is my goal anyway. That will leave just my bedroom to paint!!

I said this was going to be the year of unfinished projects, but jeez, I did not think I was gonna have to crap it all into one month!! Rusty is gonna have her boys come paint my ceiling in the living room and dining room, because they owe her lots of money, and she wants them to work it off. And besides, she is just a really nice lady to offer her help!

Barbara is planning to come help me do the trim around the doors, as I do not have a steady hand when it comes to cutting in paint. (That is why God created wall paper borders!!)

SO it looks like things Are heading in the right direction to be completed before the floors get installed. I am hoping they will be done by July 1st though. It will be so nice to have the whole house redone, I went ahead and ordered the carpet for my room also, so ALL the floors will be new, and all the walls painted, and the garage is almost empty, so when I scrub that out, I will have done all that I wanted to 3 years ago!!

The yard will be next, but other than mowing, I am going to take my time and try to get it in some semblance of order, and ready for NEXT spring.

I have not forgotten that I promised a Spring blog to Herman in the Netherlands, I was just having problems with my desk top PC and that is where all of my pictures are stored. So tomorrow evening I will try again to get that item crossed off my list!!

I Think I will turn off the light and try sleeping now...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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