Sunday, October 10, 2004

Rocky Mountain High...

eagle on Adak

I was sitting here blogwalking with the television right beside me tuned to PBS. There is a Documentary on about John Denver, and his love of the wilderness. He was interfacing with a Golden Eagle, and the awe that shown on his face was wonderous. I know that feeling. very well.

This program was wonderful...John's Music is so very haunting. Especially the ones he wrote in his later years. I love the Calypso, and All of his wilderness songs.

In the song Rocky Mountain High there is a line:

You know you'd be a poor man if you never saw an eagle fly.

Losing John to a stupid Airplane accident was a waste. He had so much talent, and you just wanted to fall into that smile of his. I sat transfixed watching him once again play with the dolphins, and swim with the whales, and soar with the Eagles, and fish with the Grizzlies. His love of the wild comes through and sings to my heart also.

I have been fascinated with Eagles for many years. The Bald Eagle winters right here in Puget Sound. We can drive up the Skagit River to Rockport and stand on the bank of the river and see them sitting in the naked alder trees. You can watch them catch fish, you can set up your camera and take pictures to your hearts content.

When I was stationed on Adak, the eagles there were as thick as crows, sitting on every telephone pole. You would walk out on the Tundra and there they would be. I have hundreds of pictures of eagles, all taken on the fly.

When ever I take a drive, I am always on the lookout for birds, Eagles especially, and am amazed at how many there are out there. The Wildlife Protection Act helped bring them back from the edge of extinction. Soon with luck, they will be everywhere again, and the songs that John sang will remind people of the beautiful land we live in, and the wonderful wildlife we have around us.

I wish we could've had him a little longer too.

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