Saturday, September 25, 2004

Technical Problems...

Ok this just royally SUCKS!!!!! As some of you may remember, I have had problems with my service provider. THey went TANGO UNIFORM ( that's tits-up for you civilians...means DIED) My pictures on my blog all have little red x's on them. I finally found out that I was sold, to ISOMEDIA when they cut off my service, because they said I did not have an account. Well I just paid for a year in advance, so Yeah, I do have an account.

THey found it, got me back on line, and my email wouldn't work. Called em back got the email account working, so I could receive. BUT I COULDN'T SEND!!! Called 'em back, finally got that fixed. Now my FTP program still is not recognizing my domain.

i just spent 45 minutes on the phone with tech support, and he had me change all of my settings, tested it on his end and it works just fine. I thanked him profusely called him a really nice guy and hung up. Tried to connect and FTP cant find anything!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH

Of course they are closed Tomorrow, but on Monday I will be there beating on their desk to get it all working again. I am so pissed. Mainly at myself, because I should know how to do all of this, but I don't. once I am shown I will be fine. but until then, it is frustration city! I have NO Patience!!! AT ALL!!!

AND I am planning to try to redo my blog, so I may just royally screw everything up. I told Leslie to tell you all that if I am gone, I will be back. I just have to figure all this crap out.

I want a template that I can change without stressing. I plan on posting daily pictures of Bea Bunny, Loki, and Sadie, along with Lola's and all kinds of weird birds I may see. I also want to fix it so that it does not stop with out showing all the postings. I should not have to hit refresh to see the bottom of the blog!!! GRRRRRRR

Now that I have worked up my blood pressure...I need to go grab a nap, because we close tonight, and we have to strike the set after the performance. Which means no getting to bed until after 3 or 4 in the morning. UGH!!

Enjoy your weekend everybody. hopefully I will back and better before long.

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