Friday, January 23, 2004

Morning favorites...

Every Morning when I wake up, the first thought is Bathroom, then I let Sadie out, and head for the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I have gotten to the point that I want my coffee HOT and STRONG!! I have switched to French Roast and Love it. It is so full bodied, and smells soooo good. I must have 50 coffee mugs in my house, but I use only 4 of them. About 12 years ago, I bought 5 Laurel Burch coffee mugs, that hold about 16 oz of coffee. The handle allows 3 fingers comfortably into it. Feels just RIGHT! Not many feel that way. When I get to the cupboard and discover that all of my favorites are in the dishwasher and DIRTY, I growl. I have no idea why, I just do. I guess I am a creature of habit, and hate to use a different style of mug. I have been looking ever since then for more of the Laurel Burch mugs, but I can't find the right ones. There are a lot of them out there, but they are not what I am looking for. I want the same style I have, short, straight, big handle, and pretty. alas.....I have to make sure I run the dishwasher every four days or so...Pity.

This one was in my office for 10 years, now I use it here...It's my favorite.

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