Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I'm losing it!!! I got up early, made the coffee and sat down to watch Katie Matt Ann and Al, about 845, It hit me OHMIGOD it's TRASH day!!! I jumped up got dressed, had the can dragged all the way to the street, momentarily giving Donna bad thoughts because she didn/t remember it either. (She will call on her way to work, when she passes garbage on the street, and tell me MOM I forgot about the trash. Then I get it out.) I straightened up and grabbed my back and looked down the street and noticed there were NO OTHER cans out. Hmmmm Says I, this is WEDNESDAY is it not? duh.......NO!!!!!! so I drug the can back to the garage, and prayed that no one saw the Weird old lady down the street.

The weather has cooled dramatically!!! The fog is doing it's August thing, and forming over the water at night, then creeping over the land mass just before dawn, then waiting for the sun to rise high enough to either burn it off or move it back over the ocean to wait until night fall again. IT really cools things down. We have had no rain at all for over a month, and the evergreens are starting to become everbrown. nobody's grass is green, it is all brown or dead. It has been a good year for blackberries though. They are in early. I already have 4 big bags of them in the freezer waiting for time to process them.

"Lola" has had babies, or i think she has, her little tummy has titties on it, that are plainly visible, I wish she would bring them over to the feeder so I can see what baby squirrels look like.

Gotta run....

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