Saturday, May 03, 2003

Thursday evening I went to a retirement party for Another one of the long time associates who decided to take advantage of the buy-out. It was really nice. All of the retirees were there, it was so nice seeing them again. hardly any of the current associates came, which wasnt such a good thing, but it was really great re-associating myself with the old friends.

When you spend your entire adult life driven by the need and the drive to succeed, you leave behind the innocence of old friends. You forget there was anything out there besides what you see around you. The associates you work with at the current time, you count as your friends, when they or you leave, you lose track of them. I did anyway. It was very good to see some of them again.

I am cat-sitting. My old boss has gone to see her daughter in North Carolina for two weeks, and I am lucky enough to have custody of ANDY for the duration. He is a Ragdoll, pointed and mittened. and what a bundle of energy!!! He is only 9 months old, and full of piss and vinegar. He has the entire household standing on its ear. He has not quite accepted the attentions of the house human yet. (that being me) He hisses and bites, but lays just out of reach and stares at me. He also lies in wait for Loki or Ethel to nonchalantly walk by and then he attacks!! FUNNY!!!

Speaking of funny, I was watching Lola this morning. I had purchased a squirrel feeder and food for her, thinking she would leave the bird feeder alone. Well she did finally discover it, and crawls INTO the feeder, and digs to the bottom of the corn and seeds to get to the peanuts still in the shell. She very carefully adjusts it in the front of her teeth with it sticking out the long way in front, then runs down the post, and up the fence and into the woods, then back again for more. (We must be going to have a hell of a winter if she is storing up already!) On one of these trips she noticed the sunflower seeds on the other feeder tray. She runs up the post,and onto the seed tray and JUMPS over to the sunflower trays. eats and then repeats the whole process. up to the feeder, digs for peanut, runs to woods, runs back up the seed feeder, over to the sunflower tray. etc. I was watching, and all of a sudden she mis-calculated the distance, landed on the glass table, which was covered with hulls, and slid right over the edge. She got up, shook herself off and looked around to make sure nobody saw her, and did it again. FUNNY!!!!

I am going to finish Chemystery's room today, and start on this office. I have to get the crap out of my living room! My quandry is what the hell to do with all of my books!! I have been keeping them for years, and it is really time to purge them. Where should I send them? The jail? the hospital? the Senior center? the Library? The dump? a garage sale? Oh I hate this...

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